Meet the writers!

This blog was founded by four Dartmouth College students who wanted to create a fun space for teen girls to be themselves and be inspired. We've put our heart and soul into this baby of ours, and our hope is that you will take a little somethin' out of it! Keep on reading for more info about our blog contributors:

Jasmine S.

Jasmine is from Dallas, TX and a junior studying economics and government. She loves to travel, write and identifies as a mild Hillary Clinton enthusiast. She dreams of one day running for public office!

Kate M.

Kate is a senior and an animal enthusiast. She has been riding horses since she was four years old. Kate's interests include fashion, food, and of course, politics. She has an identical twin and switched places with her in 6th grade.

Chelsea L. 

Chelsea is a Cali-native with an Economics and Government double-major & Public Policy minor. She's grown up selling Girl Scout cookies for about half of her life, and loves singing, Zumba, and all things fluffy. 

Ridhima G. 

Ridhima is from Miami, FL and a junior studying government, sociology, and economics. She enjoys writing, photo editing, eating bacon, and watching Netflix. She hopes to work for the Wold Bank one day!

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