Thursday, February 26, 2015

Breakups and Breakouts — how to deal with both!

by Jasmine S.

When I look back on high school, I think about how little guidance any of us got on how to deal with the whirlwind of unprecedented problems we suddenly had on our plates. I guess there was Seventeen magazine, but I mainly went there for bad fashion advice.

Starting with the easier one:

Think of it this way, you're young and fresh, and oily skin is a sign of that youth. Understanding that most teens, boys and girls, are battling zits might help you feel better about the giant red planet on your chin and maybe build some solidarity with your peers.

  • Wash your face every day: It's important to wash makeup off your face every night. 
  • Cover up with makeup. This can actually clog pores, but it is a good short fix. Stick to mineral makeup for this purpose and stay away from oily products. 
  • See a doctor who can recommend and prescribe some topical creams. These will work wonders for more severe acne problems!  
  • Don't sweat it! Stress zits and acne may seem like the end of the world, but the truth is, everyone is dealing with the same thing, and people probably aren't blinking twice. Make a joke about it and move on! You've got more important things to worry about 

Acne care

Rodial face cleanser
$59 -

Kiehl s kiehls face wash
$34 -

Powder foundation
$28 -

There are libraries written on how to deal with a breakup, and to some extent, there is only so much advice can do. It is very much a process every person has to go thorough and get through on their own. Here are some helpful hints to get you started.

  • Feel! Cry. Talk to your mom, your dad, your aunt, best friend, teacher, stranger on the street. Remember pretty much everyone above the age of 20 has gone through a gut wrenching break up before and understands your pain. 
  • Write it down. Keeping a journal that you write in whenever you're sad or frustrated can help you sort out your feelings and studies show this helps you feel better. 
  • Remember what makes you you!  You have your own interests, hobbies and goals. Fill your schedule with these things, and find some new cool things to be interested in. All these will distract you and remind you that you're an awesome, capable person who is going places.

Remember the golden rule: Time + Distractions = getting over a breakup 

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