Saturday, February 28, 2015

What's the He for She Campaign?

by Chelsea L.

Soo.. a couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about Emma Watson and her service as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. You may have noticed that a lot of her pictures incorporated logos from the "He for She" campaign. (At least I did!) I decided to get the inside-scoop on what this powerful organization is all about, and I wanted to share more about it with you!
What is He For She?
  • "HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the benefit of all."
    • This campaign intends to mobilize one billion men and boys as "advocates and agents of change in ending the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally." 
    • He For She casts inequality as a human rights issue that affects all of us. Any efforts to overcome gender inequality will "benefit everyone socially, politically, and economically." 

What is their mission?
  • He For She tackles gender inequality, which is one of the most persistent human rights violation. 
    • The campaign seeks to spread awareness and spark action amongst men and women to eliminate violence and discrimination against women and girls. 
  • They seek to inspire people to take action against gender-based discrimination, and incorporate governments, mens organizations, civil society organizations, and universities in the movement.
    • By creating a platform of role models who advocate against gender-based discrimination, men and boys will learn to take a firm stand against injustice. 
  • He For She aims to develop a global recognition that women’s empowerment is "essential for inclusive economic growth, social cohesion and social justice, environmental balance, and for progress in all spheres of life."
Who are their supporters?
  • 224,931 supporters all over the world:
    • 62,440 of these men are from the United States!
    • (for a breakdown of #'s by country, click this link!)
  • Many celebrities have endorsed this movement, and are helping to spread the word too!

How can we get involved? What can we do about this?
  • He For She provides an "action toolkit" for people to start a campaign within schools, universities, and organizations:
    • The action tool-kit provides a timeline, with step by step information on how to go about implementing the campaign.
  • Encourage the men and boys in your life to sign up too! 

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