Sunday, February 22, 2015

What You Need to Know to Deal with Overprotective Parents

by Kate M.

As someone who was in high school not too long ago, I know that parents can be difficult, especially overprotective ones. Below are 5 methods that I used to navigate the difficulties of having overprotective parents.

1. Have a friend whose parents are a little less overprotective? Have them call your parents and make them feel better about that party that they won't let you go to!

2. Remind your parents how responsible you are. Maybe they are worried because they have heard stories about other kids getting in trouble- remind them that this is not you.

3. Keep in touch with them. The constant calling and texting may drive you to ignore them, but this only make things worse. This way when you tell them that you want to go to that party on Friday night and that you will keep in touch, they will not hesitate to let you go.

4. Definitely do not lie. It may seem like a good idea, but it is not. If they find out that you lied, you will never be allowed anywhere again. Or worse, they will keep track of where you are based on the gps on your phone. Oh yes, overprotective parents get creative.

5. It is important to remember that your parents are overprotective because they love you and do not want anything to happen to you. Remember that there are times when their instinct to not allow you to do something may be correct!

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