Thursday, February 12, 2015

How does 2 free years of college sound?

by Jasmine S.

President Obama announced last month a plan that would make the first two years of community college free for everyone! Jackpot!

A few conditions:

  • Decent grades! Students have to have at least a 2.5 GPA. That's roughly a C+/B- average 
  • You can attend part time. This is good news for the 60% of community college students who attend part time. 

Though it seems like a big deal, President Obama's plan is more like a suggestion. In order for it to become a reality, Congress would have to write and pass a law that made it happen.

If students aren't paying, who is?

Obama is asking Congress to spend $60 billion over a period of 10 years to fund the initiative. The $60 billion would be coming from taxpayer funds. 

What are people saying about the plan? 

Remember how we said it's now up to Congress to decide if they want to pass a law to put this plan in place? Currently, Republicans control both the House and the Senate, and as far as we can tell, are not enthusiastic about passing a bill pushed by the President. Even Democrats in Congress are not jumping to sponsor a bill like this.  A Democratic member of the House Mark Takano calls the plan "a conversation starter." 

Why should I care? 

The plan, if it's ever put into place, could really change the way Americans look at education. Having a free two years of college after high school could get a lot of students to consider continuing their education, putting them on track to get good jobs and make money later in life. 

There are many famous Americans who got their start at community college. 

Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska and former nominee for Vice President of the U.S. ! 

Queen Latifah AND Halle Berry! 

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