Sunday, February 22, 2015

You all need to meet Amal Clooney

by Jasmine S.

Ever since I watched the Golden Globes this year, I've been obsessed with Amal Clooney. I can't believe I didn't know she existed until a few weeks ago. She is everything I want to be by age 36.

  • Studied at Oxford
  • Got her law degree at NYU. While studying there she clerked for Sonia Sotomayor, who is now a Supreme Court Justice, at the U.S. Court of the Appeals. Just an all around big deal. 
  • She's now an international human rights lawyer who's worked on some of the world's most important issues, recently looking into violations in the Israel-Palestine conflict and the recognition of the Armenian genocide
  • She is fluent in French, Arabic and English
  • Her fashion sense is impeccable. 

Oh, and she recently got married to this guy, George Clooney? Maybe you've heard of him? 

The world has been fascinated with Amal because she seems to inhabit two very different worlds effortlessly. She can be being photographed in Stella McCartney on the red carpet by paparazzi one evening and meeting with global dignitaries and world leaders the next morning.

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