Saturday, February 28, 2015

Did you see Patricia Arquette's Oscar Acceptance Speech?!

by Kate M.

Patricia Arquette won "Best Supporting Actress" for her role in Boyhood (one of my personal favorite movies of the year).

And she did something pretty cool with her acceptance speech: she demanded wage equality for women in the US.

Gendered Wage Inequality is a big problem in our country:
  • In 2013, among full-time, year-round workers, women were paid 78 percent of what men were paid
  • The pay gap has barely budged in a decade
  • The pay gap is worse for women of color
  • Women face a pay gap in nearly every occupation

What does this mean for you?
It might be hard to believe, but you will be in the work force sooner than you think. (As someone who is entering the work force in just 4 short months, I can tell you- it all happens before you know it). Therefore, you have a clear interest in knowing about the pay gap, and should stay informed so that you know what it means for you when its your time to get a job. 

Find out more here:

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